
Ketogenic Meal Plan

Are you…
  • not losing enough weight on a low carb or a Paleo / Primal diet?

  • hungry even if you've just eaten a good meal two hours ago?

  • bigger than you'd like to be?

With Nutriketo you can:

  • lose weight steadily with real food and NO UNNECESSARY KETONE PRODUCTS

  • exercise without feeling tired

  • get into ketosis, and STAY in ketosis

Do you…

have metabolic issues such as diabetes, PCOS, insulin resistance, thyroid problems or adrenal fatigue?

feel sluggish after consuming carbs?

feel tired and/or hungry when you exercise?

want to eat in a way where you're not depriving yourself yet also losing weight and feeling good?

Then “Keto” (a Ketogenic diet) may be right for you!


The Ketogenic diets deliver plenty of protein and fat, with controlled amounts of carbs. This diet uses body fat as energy, meaning your body will use excess fat to function and induce lose weight.

Heard of the Modified Atkins Diet, but not sure if it's for you? There's only one way to find out! Both Modified Atkins and Ketogenic diets deliver plenty of protein and fat, with controlled amounts of carbs.

This diet uses body fat as energy, meaning your body will use excess fat to lose weight. If you want to become less reliant on processed foods, this diet may be for you.

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To minimize the side effects, to continue exercising and working normally and not being tired all the time, to not overwhelme your body and your brain with drasic diet changes, Nutrichef create the 4-week Keto starter.

Are you ready to make progress losing weight, and have abundant energy and a clear mind when doing so?

Weight loss and becoming healthier doesn't have to be hard. The problem is, you've been told pretty much the OPPOSITE of what to do to lose weight your whole life.

Always check with your physician before starting any weight loss plan.

Never been easier

Staying on track with your healthy eating habit has never been easier.

Peace of mind

Enjoy peace of mind by having nutritious tasty food delivered to you daily.

Any time

You can skip any delivery and cancel or pause your account at any time.

Nutriketo Meal Plan Two Sizes

  • Small Size
  • Large Size
  • Calories

Around 400 per meal

  • Protein:

About 35-45 grams per serving

  • Carbs
  • Approx. 10 grams per serving

  • Fats

Usually less than 40 grams per serving


300 Calories

  • Lunch

400 Calories

  • Dinner
  • 400 Calories

  • Snack

250 Calories

Total: Approx. 1350 Calories / Day , which is the entire days meal plan . To get the following calories you must add on snack with Breakfast, lunch and dinner .

  • Calories

Around 600 per meal

  • Protein:

About 55-65 grams per serving

  • Carbs
  • Approx. 15 grams per serving

  • Fats

Usually less than 60 grams per serving


350 Calories

  • Lunch

600 Calories

  • Dinner
  • 600 Calories

  • Snack

250 Calories

Total: Approx. 1800 Calories / Day, which is the entire days meal plan . To get the following calories you must add on snack with Breakfast, lunch and dinner .

Size of the meal

Nutrichef meals can be delivered in two sizes: Small, or Large.

If you are familiar with calories counting we can adjust the size to the calories requirement.

Which meals?

Nutrichef can provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and meal shakes.

We are flexible, and customer can choose the meals that Nutrichef will take of. The meals patern can change from one week to another.

How many days per week

You can start your meal plan any day from Monday to Friday.

You can choose, any number of days (minimum 3 days) You can pause an re-activate the plan with simply 24-hour notice.