How to order on Nutrichef website?
The order process from the home page to the confirmation page takes no more than 5 minutes, in three simple steps starting at the website Homepage. Let’s see how we do that:
From Nutrichef website homepage scroll down until you see our meal plans.
In this new version, you can choose from five different meal plans depending on your gaol: Nutrislim (for weight loss), Nutribulk (for weight gain), Nutrishred (for great appearance), Nutriketo (Ketogenic diet) and Just Healthy when you are not following any of the previous goals. The Just Healthy meal plan can be vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carbs or just regular. For the other meal plans, please check their description page.
You can also have a diet or a goal that doesn’t feet in any of the above meal plan, that’s fine, you still have the option of the Tailored meal plan. Just click on the icon and you will be directed to a page with all the details.
We also have the One Day Trial, that you can order through our website also.
Step 2
Choose your meal plan and click on MORE DETAILS button to navigate a page dedicated to that specific meal plan with answers to most questions that you may have.
Below is an example of our Just Healthy Meal Plan page.
Step 3
From the meal plan page, and whenever you are ready, click in any button “START YOUR PLAN” to build your own plan. You will navigate to what we call the Product page, with a series of questions to built your plan. While you are designing your plan, at the top, just under the meal plan title, you can see the meal plan price for one day. The price it changes depends on your choices.
Once you designed your plan, have a quick check that you answered all the questions and click on ADD TO CART and you start your regular checkout.
One small detail changed in the checkout process is the delivery. Before, the delivery fee was included in the total price of our meal plan. For better clarity and service flexibility, you will see the delivery separate from the meal plan price details. The total meal plan price is still the same, just we present them differently at the checkout.
How to order from another Nutrichef webpage then the Homepage?
If you are navigating on our website and you would like to order. Just look at either START YOUR MEAL PLAN button or MORE DETAILS button.
What’s the difference?
START YOUR MEAL PLAN: will bring your directly to the meal plan page to start designing your plan skipping the informative step (Step 2 above), or to OUR MEAL PLANS PAGE to start the order process from Step 1 as you were at the Homepage. That can be fine if you are already familiar with Nutrichef Meal plan. If not, please scroll down the page and you will see a meal plan description with all the information you need.
MORE DETAILS: will bring you to the Meal Plan page and you can start the process above.
If you can’t find neither of the two buttons, what you do?
At the top of most of Nutrichef website, there is a menu, just click at Our Meal Plans and you will navigate you to Our Meal Plans page where you can start the above process from Step 1.